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It's Friday!! Wanna share a win?

It's Friday.
And you know what that means!
We made it another week.
However you got through, you got through!
And that is the most important win of all.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on another win from your week?
You're most welcome to share in the comments like always.
I'll get us started.
Before that, I would just like to say thank you for all your kind comments to my "1 year on The Mighty" post yesterday.
I am very humbled by the response.
And very grateful.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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One year on The Mighty!

Just saw on my feed that I joined May 2023.
That means I've been on The Mighty for one whole year.
365 days.
And 52 weeks.
More than half of these weeks I've posted 4-5 times per week as part of my journey.
And what a journey it's turning out to be!
I am SO thankful that I have joined The Mighty.
It's been a game changer.
And a life changer.
SO thankful for all of you wonderful people that make this a mighty place!
I am learning so much for you.
You inspire me every day.
And you have supported me during ups and downs.
And I just want to say thank you!
You are MIGHTY!
(Picture from Google)

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Needing the reminder

This is a favorite quote.
It's so self-compassionate, I think.
As we work on ourselves, our healing, our journey it is easy to get caught up in the goals, the finish line.
But I find that it moves.
It transforms as I transform.
So waiting to be happy and content until you reach that point, until you're "finished" or "done", it's not a good option.
We don't want to hold our breath until then.
We need to try to enjoy the journey.
To recognize that we are indeed masterpieces
We don't have to work to become one - we are one by default.
And sometimes trying to accept this and know this can make being a work-in-progress a bit easier.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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A step in the right direction

So today in individual therapy I brought up the most toxic relationship, I have in my life.
The relationship to my ex.
My boys dad.
I have avoided bringing it up because it is the biggest can of worms, I have.
But I also began to have a feeling, that I couldn't keep putting it off.
It has so monumental influences on my life.
And I was triggered.
So I did it.
Now I have some new things to try the next time he triggers me.
Which will probably be this afternoon, when he picks up the kids.
I need to ever so slowly but surely start to transform how he makes me feel.
No doubt, I will fail many times.
But as always: we get points for trying!!
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your Monday reminder

In my mind so many things disqualify me from being lovable.
My story.
My diagnosis.
My body.
My challenges and struggles.
My failed relationships.
I have just recently, like last year, discovered how deep my self-loathing goes.
It's part of my PD diagnosis and my depression.
But it has also been ingrained by people who treated me like I was unlovable.
And not important.
Or valuable.
But this is not the truth I want for myself.
So I am working on turning it around.
It will take time.
Because it runs deep.
But that doesn't mean it can't be done!
We can ALL do hard things.
We do them each day!
Some say; choose your hard.
And I guess that is right sometimes.
I wish you the best week you can have!
(Picture from Pinterest)

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It's Friday!! Wanna share a win?

Yep, it's Friday yet again.
We made it another week!
And however you got through; you got through.
And I for one am very thankful for that.
Do you want to share a win from your week?
I really LOVE reading your shares.
And cheering you on.
You do so much and you do so good!
And for whatever support I may be able to offer or provide, I am thankful.
Because you deserve it.
And so much more.
As always, I'll get us started with the wins in the comments.
Lastly I just want to say:
Thank you for being here.
And thank you for being you.
(Picture from Google)

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Courageous mighties

I am getting mentally ready to start in a new group tomorrow.
I am going to meet up with the two therapists that host the group first to get an introduction.
And to meet them before I meet the rest of the group.
On one hand, I am really looking forward to starting up again.
The therapy pause has done me no favors.
On the other hand, I am quite dreading meeting new people.
And I am very anxious.
But I'll do it.
Just like I've done everything else on my journey.
And it got me thinking about courage.
I think we mighties are so very courageous for managing and healing like we do.
It is far from easy facing what we face on a daily basis.
But we do it.
I think that makes us courageous.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Cracking the code

Yesterday I shared about not being where I thought I would be in my life.
And it got me thinking.
I never thought, I would be on this journey.
I never thought, I would have to work on healing.
But since I am on this journey and since I am working on healing,
I had a little look back on where I started compared to where I am now.
And I have come so very, very far.
I have cracked part of the code for my good life.
Sure, many days I don't live by the code... yet.
But I an wiser in what I can do to help myself.
And I am slowly, very slowly, doing more of it.
I have learned so much from you all.
From your shares and comments.
And I am so thankful.
You are a fountain of wisdom.
And you have come so far.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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A very different life

Feeling very nostalgic today.
I've been going through a lot of old photos.
And it hit me:
My life has turned out so very different than what I imagined.
And it's so different form others my age.
I could feel myself getting wrapped up in harsh judgment of myself and my life.
But I don't wish to do that.
I wish to show myself understanding and grace.
I haven't done anything wrong.
It's not my fault.
My childhood, circumstances, life, toxic relationships and biological inheritance have created my mental health issues.
Along the way, I've tried to do my best - somedays simply to survive.
And this Monday I wanted to remind you of all your effort too.
We have done our best.
And we continue to do our best.
However it may look on any given day.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

It's Friday!
We made it through another week.
However you got through; you got through!
So you get a bouquet of flowers.
Do you want to take a moment and think about a win?
Maybe share it with us in the comments?
I'll get us started - like always.
No win is too "small".
Because I believe they all are various degrees of big wins for us spoonies and mighties.
I for one am rooting for you.
And I applaud you for getting as far as you have💐
(Picture from Google, overlay text by me)

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